KONE Sustainability Report 2017

KONE 2017 | SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Being the best employer and attracting talent 36 Average workforce tenure in years (2016 figures in brackets) China 4.4 (3.6) United States 7.6 (6.9) India 5.9 (5.3) Australia 8.7 (7.6) Mexico 5.3 (4.8) Personnel by country Dec. 31, 2017 10 largest countries (2016 figures in brackets) United States 5,325 (5,197) India 4,514 (4,287) France 2,930 (3,007) Finland 2,345 (2,207) Germany 2,093 (1,943) Italy 1,925 (1,940) United Kingdom 1,889 (1,917) Australia 1,432 (1,468 ) Mexico 1,027 (929) China 16,505 (14,892) France 12.2 (11.3) Finland 12.1 (11.6) United Kingdom 9.4 (8.6) Italy 15.7 (13.8) Germany 10.6 (11.2) European Employee Forum KONE organizes the European Employee Forum every year to bring together employee representatives and top man- agement to discuss issues ranging from safety to business development. A smaller working group meets two to four times a year to ensure continuous consultation and communication on important devel- opments affecting KONE employees. In 2017, the theme of the Forum was digitalization and new competencies. Twenty-one employees from 15 European countries participated. Diversity and non-discrimination High ethical principles guide all our activ- ities. As an employer, KONE is committed to an equal opportunity approach that places people in the positions that best suit their abilities. We prohibit discrimi- nation of any kind and do not differenti- ate between job applicants based on their gender, race, or other aspects of their per- sonal backgrounds. We actively encourage diversity at KONE, and our values guide us in nurtur- ing an inclusive culture. To strengthen our global approach and deepen our insights on customers and markets, we have set goals for cultural diversity in our headquar- ter teams. During the reporting year, KONE’s workforce included 129 nationalities. Motivated and engaged employees At KONE, we believe employee engage- ment is built on open and timely commu- nication about the company’s goals and ways of doing business. We use multiple channels to inter- act with employees, motivate them, and encourage collaboration. KONE’s global intranet, for example, acts as both a news channel for all the latest news and events as well as a virtual teamwork site. The latest KONE news is also shared through internal video news broadcasts and newsletters. Measuring workplace satisfaction The most important metric for employee engagement at KONE is the Pulse employee survey that measures the level of employees’ workplace satisfaction. The survey offers our people an opportunity to give feedback and provides insights into their engagement with KONE’s core values. The Pulse survey covers topics such as employee engagement, performance enablement, sustainability, strategy and values, leadership, communication and involvement, customer relationships, and growth and development opportunities. In addition, the survey examines how respondents view their jobs, managers, and performance reviews. KONE’s eleventh global employee survey was carried out between December 2016 and January 2017. The survey results were published during the first quarter of 2017 and action plans were made in teams based on the results. Some 46,000 employees provided feed- back in the Pulse survey and we reached a record high response rate of 93% (based on the number of employees at the end of 2016). EMPLOYEE SAFETY AND WELL-BEING At KONE safety is our highest priority. This means making sure each of our employees has the necessary competence, tools and instructions to perform their work profes- sionally and safely. Managing safety Every leader is responsible for providing their team with all the necessary means for working safely. They lead by exam- ple, coach and train, ensure account- ability and drive safety improvements. Managers perform regular audits to measure compliance with KONE’s poli- cies, rules, and defined working methods. Corrective actions are taken if deviations are identified. At KONE, we recognize and reward safe behavior and share best practices. KONE trains its employees to assess the safety of their tasks and they are empow- ered to stop work and ask for support if they suspect a safety risk. KONE employees receive regular train- ing on health and safety, and safety is a key element in all our product and oper- ations training. A wide variety of training solutions are used, from classroom based training and e-learning to on-the-job train- ing. Toolbox talks serve to communicate short refreshers and safety messages to field employees. Safety is also one of the key topics in communications to employees. For exam- ple, KONE organizes a global Safety Week for all employees annually. The week pre- sents KONE employees with different trainings, special events and activities. Many countries also organize events and trainings together with customers and subcontractors during the week. Safety reporting Incidents, lost days per incident, and near misses are part of each unit’s monthly reporting to global functions. During 2017, KONE developed a mobile tool to report near misses and inci- dents. The tool is in use in 47 countries. Local safety personnel analyze the data and use it to implement activities, and improvements in processes and methods.