KONE Corporation: Share repurchase 10.11.2022

Stock Exchange Release Published 10/11/2022
KONE Corporationstock exchange release10.11.2022 at 6:30 pm EET
KONE Corporation: Share repurchase 10.11.2022
In the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Trade date          10.11.2022
Bourse trade        Buy
Share                 KNEBV
Amount            130 000Shares
Average price/ share   46,3709EUR
Total cost           6 028 217,00EUR
KONE Corporation now holds a total of 11 901 025 shares
including the shares repurchased on 10.11.2022
On behalf of KONE Corporation
Nordea Bank Oyj
Janne Sarvikivi          Sami Huttunen
For further information, please contact:
Natalia Valtasaari, Head of Investor Relations, 
KONE Corporation, tel. +358 (0)204 75 4705


Kone 10 11 trades

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