
Stock Exchange Release Published 23/12/2002


In connection to admitting shares to be publicly traded in connection with the conversion of shares in accordance with the company’s Articles of Association 5 section, KONE Corporation will publish a prospectus in accordance with the decree given by the Ministry of Finance (539/2002) regarding prospectuses, and taking into consideration the decision (150/271/2002) of 20 December, 2002 of the Financial Supervision to grant KONE Corporation an exception concerning the contents of the prospectus. The Financial Supervision has accepted this prospectus, but is not responsible for the accuracy of the information presented herein.
In accordance with the 5 section of the Articles of Association of KONE Corporation, A-series shareholders have the right, upon an offer made by the Board of Directors, to demand conversion of the non-listed A-series shares into listed B-series shares in the ratio 1:1. The differences in the rights attached to the different series of shares are stated in the Articles of Association of KONE Corporation. In accordance with the Articles each A-share gives one (1) vote at the Shareholders’ meeting, and each whole ten (10) B-shares give one (1) vote, however so that each shareholder has at least one vote. A higher dividend shall be paid to B-shares than to A-shares, whereas the difference is at least two (2) per cent and at the most five (5) per cent calculated on the nominal value of the share. In accordance with the Articles of Association a maximum of 10,454,823 A-series shares with the nominal value of one (1) euro may be converted into B-series shares, the total amount of shares in KONE Corporation being 63,463,620 shares. After carrying out the conversion the shares will, upon application by the company, be admitted to public trading on the Helsinki Exchanges’ main list without further delay. The shares have been registered within the book-entry system.
The new B-series shares shall carry the B-series share rights as stated in the Articles of Association as from the day the conversion has been registered with the Trade Register.
KONE Corporation publishes the information affecting the value of the shares as provided for in the Securities Market Act.
The Board of Directors of KONE Corporation is responsible for the prospectus. The members of the Board assure that, in their best knowledge, the information given above is true, and that nothing such has been left out, that probably would affect the matter.
In Helsinki, 20 December 2002
Herlin, Pekka, Chairman
Chauvarie, Jean-Pierre
Herlin, Antti
Nishioka, Hiroshi
Viinanen, Iiro
Wendt, Gerhard
KONE Corporation
Tapio Hakakari
Secretary to the Board of Directors
Outi-Maria Liedes
Senior Vice President
Corporate Communications & IR

2002-12-23 Prospectus

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