KONE's sustainability reporting

KONE's sustainability reporting

KONE's sustainability reporting

In 2025, KONE publishes two reports on sustainability.

Sustainability Statement has been prepared pursuant to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and structured according to European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) with the objective of providing transparent and harmonized information on the material sustainability topics relevant for KONE. The Statement is published as part of KONE’s Annual review, and it is assured.

Sustainability Supplement complements the Sustainability Statement with further information on KONE’s approach to sustainability, and is prepared in reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. The Sustainability Supplement is partly assured.

KONE’s sustainability reporting 2024


Sustainability Statement

Our Sustainability Statement provides a comprehensive overview of our sustainability practices and discloses the environmental and social impacts arising from our business, and outlines our governance framework. The Statement covers material topics defined in the Double Materiality Assessment (DMA).

KONE's sustainability reporting

KONE's sustainability reporting

KONE is a committed participant of the UN Global Compact and its ten principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. We report on our sustainability performance annually in line with the Communication of Progress process as defined by the UN Global Compact.

To read our Annual Reviews and Sustainability Reports from previous years, please go to the archive list on News & Insights > Publications.

More information on our sustainability performance

We map our reporting against the industry-specific recommendations of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards; the mapping is available on the investor section on kone.com.

SASB mapping

Additional information on our sustainability performance can be found in KONE’s Annual Review, which contains information on ESG topics, such as non-financial risks and risk management. It also contains a mapping of KONE’s reporting according to TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) guidelines.

KONE's Annual Reviews

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