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nology makes it possible. Some visions

of smart homes today are rather soul-

less, anesthetized science fiction, beg-

ging the question if we are sacrificing

integral knowledge on how our homes

actually work and control over how

much they do for us, for the momentary

seduction of one-button comfort. “do i

really want my house to email me when

i’m in the shower to tell me my toast is

burnt?” Gheerawo laughs.

BridGinG soluTions

and KnowledGe

What is unusual about our conversa-

tion on residential housing is the

bringing together of usually dissimilar

topics: inclusive design, green build-

ing technologies and behavior cen-

tered research. “it is an exciting time,

because all these things are coming

together,” says Gheerawo. “We need

to stop thinking of the house as a

commodity and more as a living and

growing environment, taking advan-

tage of the bridges that technology

can build.”

in this vision, housing becomes

modifiable space that allows for public

and private moments, entertaining

and cocooning, work and hobbies as

well as meditation and reflection. the

pieces are there. We just need to start

fitting them together.

“WE nEEd to StoP

thinKinG oF a hoUSE

aS a CoMModity and

MorE aS a liVinG and

GroWinG EnVironMEnt.”


By 2030 AlMOst

5 BilliOn PeOPle

Will Be living in

tOWns AnD cities