to KONE. It builds on earlier Employee
Engagement and People Leadership programs.
During 2015 we continued the program by
further improving the coverage and the quality
of individual development plans, by expanding
access to a wide selection of online learning
courses to the majority of KONE personnel, and
by strengthening country specific field training
capabilities as well as apprentice programs and
employer branding activities.
Job rotation is an important way for KONE
employees to develop their skills and
knowledge. In 2015 we developed the Visit a
job concept to support short-term job rotation
across units and countries.
We continued rolling out our global learning
management system
(konelearning.com), making
training options more visible, and simplifying
the management of certifications, training
requirements, and personnel development.
Konelearning.comalso supports our online
and field trainings, and facilitates better
collaboration and material sharing. At the end
of the reporting year, 86% of KONE personnel
were covered by
konelearning.com,making the
management of their learning and certifications
possible online.
KONE continued to carry out global learning
programs for leaders. These programs cover all
leaders at KONE, from executives to our first line
managers. Key programs in 2015 include the
Supervisor Development Program, the Service
Management Program, and Project Management
certifications for our installation projects.
Performing at our best
At KONE, we want to have the best possible
professional with the right competencies in
each position. We emphasize this by organizing
performance discussions between each
employee and their supervisor at least twice
a year. In 2015 over 97% of eligible staff and
over 95% of eligible operatives took part in
performance and career development reviews.
In addition to using these discussions to
set targets and review job content, KONE
managers are advised to talk about employee
well-being, as well as career development
and growth opportunities. The quality of
performance discussions was further improved
during the reporting period, and we actively
encouraged all employees to have their
individual development plans in place.
KONE’s well-being and safety programs
continued during the reporting year, and good
progress was made in expanding the Elevate
Your Health program globally. These well-being
programs cover topics ranging from taking care
of joints and muscles to weight loss initiatives,
walking campaigns, and building stress
Attracting new talent
KONE has apprentice programs in key
countries, and these are an excellent way
to recruit new professionals. KONE also
collaborates actively with schools. In 2015 we
continued our promoters program and trained
more employees to talk about the company in
schools, universities, and other relevant sites.
The KONE International Trainee Program offers
students and graduates opportunities to work
on projects at different KONE units around
the world. In 2015 we received over 2,100
applications and had trainees representing 8
nationalities pursuing their internships at 6
different KONE locations.
KONE also offers various summer traineeships
and thesis opportunities in several countries.
Measuring workplace satisfaction
We conduct our Pulse survey every year
to measure employees’ level of workplace
satisfaction. The survey offers employees an
opportunity to give feedback and provides
insights into their engagement with KONE’s
core values. In the reporting year 42,590
employees provided feedback, and we
reached a record high response rate of 93%.
The survey covers areas such as employee
engagement, performance enablement,
sustainability, strategy and values, leadership,
communication and involvement, customer
relationships, and growth and development
Read about
workplace safety on p. 17.
Employees by market, 2015
EMEA: 42% (44%)
Americas: 13% (12%)
Asia-Pacific: 45% (44%)
(2014 figures in brackets)
Employees by job category, 2015
Maintenance and modernization
56% (56%)
New equipment sales and installation
26% (26%)
Manufacturing 9% (10%)
Administration, IT and R&D 9%
(2014 figures in brackets)